Monday, 11 August 2008

New Found Glory

Recall the mass drumming
and the thundering thuds of the instruments themselves,
along with the special lighting tiling effect they make when seen from afar.

I don't remember feeling so proud of our country, my part taking in this great nation in a really long time.

The '08 Olympics opening ceremony marks not only the beginning of a series of international sports games, but I believe, it also marks a change in the hearts of its people and others alike. Afterall, who could've witnessed the moment the scroll was uncovered and not feel astound by the vision and togetherness of the 3000 + performers, along with the gleaming technology working behind the scenes?

With all credits of the day's impressive choreography to the great director Zhang Yimou, it is the work of an all-Chinese that brought out the authenticity of the culture with such success.

Its about time that China should not only be known for its 'chopsticks' and 'noodle in soup',
for we have one of the brightest futures ahead of us and there is no reason why we can't be compared amongst the others.

I'm waiting to see you glow, baby! XD

May we have the best of luck in the games and moreover, our future.

- Bee*

Ps: I really can't wait to see what the closing ceremony will be like.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Hustle and Bustle

Busy the streets of Hong Kong may be,
but it shouldn't be an excuse for the absence of common etiquette and undesirable social behaviour.

About a week ago while I was roaming round Time's Square, I can't believe a man, although unintendedly, just slammed the door shut at my face. The issue here is that, holding the door open when there's someone immediately behind him is not in his dictionary.
What does that tell you?

It is now that I realize the reason of the 'amusement' I catch on other people's faces when I'm bothered to hold open a door, a simple act like that - It's such a rare occasion, not even the men would do it!

Strolling down the streets, although in a hurry, I notice that very often, I find myself being offended by the lack of manlihood (not to be sexist), phrases like 'Ladies first' cease to exist in our society. I'm deeply disappointed that matters like these are no longer concerned by people living in this much developed city.

We complain about incoming 'tourists' and their undesirable social behaviours, but who are we to complain and rant about when we can't even manage to perform them well enough ourselves? If we don't start to set a good example, who would?

And guys, c'mon. Talk about impressing ladies, if you can't even practice these simple tasks on a daily basis, don't even think about making a good impression on a first date with a longed-for girl, you're bound to screw up.

All of you, please make Hong Kong a better place. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of awareness and consideration from everyone, it doesn't bite to let a lady through first!
