Sunday, 15 February 2009

Since I'm so bored, I've decided to look through the old facebook graffiti I drew on other people's walls and post them up here, some of which I'm actually rather proud of :P

:] I'm so mo liu right?

Sunday, 8 February 2009

V day's coming up in less than a week's time,
yet all we're going through is the seemingly endless amounts of time spent on studying
and cramming information to our pea-brains.
Just to try and score higher on mocks.

Damn this, I'm out of energy.
Where's life? I've longed for it ever since the days of IB.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Young Love.

Have you liked anyone when you were younger,
a kid/child-hood crush?


have you seen them lately/learnt their wherabouts?

I admit that more than half of the people I used to like, I would not like ever again. Was it blindness that overcame me at that time, or that they could not withstand the test of time -that they let their faces morph into an enhancement of features that are not to be proud of, or the inheritance of traits that aren't popular to the general rules of social acceptance?

On that note, would you rather have the ability to preserve time (so what was true then would remain and prolong till today) or the ability to...simply wipe out the past.

I think I'll choose to...wipe out the past, clear out my history amongst the knowers of such, and leave this past, secretly lingering on to myself only :]
for it's the good things I intend to be able to recall anyway,
and none of the knowledge of their current state.


A little I guess :P