Why do we grow up through the passage of time?
A big aspect of maturity comes along as the loss of naivety,
innocence, and beliefs that once existed throughout our childhood.
That is,
the more we see of this world,
we lose hope in more and more things,
investing the remaining time and effort into events that are bound to happen.
Talking to a certain 'grown up' the other day,
I asked why certain people have made the life choices they did,
specifically; why did they choose to be with the people they are with,
when they have much more in them that would allow them access to individuals of higher standards. Do we, all settle at some point, for the sake of settlement, because we believe our time is through and if not now then never?
The belief that 'there is always someone made for everybody' no longer runs in their bloodstream, shrinking rapidly each and every day of their lives as singletons.
Is this how we'll all end up,
"He/she's alright, let's get married..."
Are dreamers destined to let hope fail them?