Whenever a friend puts up a request, jolting for help, how far are you, as their friend, willing to go to fulfill the other person's wills?
It depends who it is, does it not?
Then, second question, what if it's a one-way friendship?
Knowing that you like them > they like you, do you still do what they ask of you, given that the benefactors are purely them? In other words, it's as if being committed to a contract that would bind you to loss, yet, you are most willing to give into this.
Don't get me wrong, it's not as ugly as it sounds in that metaphor, but lately I feel that I've been eased into a different circle of people: only on my 7th year in this place do I realise which people I should be with, so if conforms to, or resembles closer to the traits I look forward to seeing when I'm committed to a friendship. I like deep friendships, so the person I be with is not only able to commute with me on the superficial level, but also commute in terms of the heart and soul...a connection more like. I'm willing to let out that last secret window on the Johari window, had it no effects on our relationship.
So still, why do I cling onto people/things that I dream of converting/achieving, when I know perfectly well that it's out of my reach?
You're not that worth it, not from what you've proven to me at least: I'm always the giver. You stick to whoever would give you direct benefits like a magnet does to metal.
So much for being bffs.
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