Wednesday, 21 October 2009

The beauty of human beings are the kind of man power we are able to generate,
if we're willing to work together.

But then again,
the ultimate goal of this,
is always yet to excel in another competition or combat an opponent.

We are supposed to help men who fall down,
because we're in a better-off position.
But what if that means risking your own standing,
in that by making the effort to assist others,
there is a possibility you might fall
or graze your knee in the process?

To what extent is a deed done considered charitable,
before it would become an exploitation and abuse of another's ability to help?

Had I given you my work now,
would you become self-sustainable in the future,
or would we live in symbiosis,
but one that would evolve to the degree where it eventually gets parasitic?

Excuse my coming-out of my ugly nature,
but who would live just to feed another
without getting anything (they genuinely want) in return?

So should I,
or should I not?


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