maybe it doesn't look as good as it actually tasted;
but I could guarantee its edible,
and I had a lot of fun.
True, it's just simple cooking,
and for god's sake there wasn't even any fire involved,
but I'll be honest,
(and this honesty comes at the price of making me look extremely stupid and over-protected all my life, which might be true to an extent)
prior to this, I've never bought and prepared mushrooms in my life.
I didn't even recall the fact that the stem of the mushroom is removed before it's sliced.
But I do now, after dealing with it for the second time (the latter half of the pack).
Naively, the amount of satisfaction that could be derived from stirring up an 'edible' dish (something that doesn't torture the senses) is surprisingly high;
Food produced through the act of cooking isn't only for the stomache,
it is also food for the soul,
through which a person learns to think logically,
searching for the best possible methods to perform tasks in an orderly, efficient manner,
yet incorporating a sense we all have, located on the tip of our tongues,
to manage the quality of this output.
Now, if only I had a stove and am not limited to the rice cooker...
Not that I'm unappreciative of it (thanks mom&dad!)