Sunday, 7 February 2010

The world,
life, as we know it,
is full of unexpectancies.

We try to defy the way of parallel time,
making an uncountable number of attempts
throughout human history to try and uncover
the supposed enigmatic knowledge presented to us in the future,
as a remedy towards the fear of the unknown.

We head towards our beliefs;
be it the depths of our minds when we sleep,
somewhere locked up and hidden in a chapel,
the sky and phenomenons,
or the single bamboo stick that falls out from the bundle
- simply in attempt to pursue and get hold of the forthcoming.

In reality,
what is wrong with the existence of uncertainty?
It means nothing is stable,
nothing is forever,
nothing is a 'must.'

My wallet was stolen today,
I try to anticipate what would happen to the people who've taken it from me,
often cursing at them for mistreating me like so,
hoping something bad would incur on their lives in return -
how immature.

I guess I should once again appreciate the fact that it is not the worse that could happen,
not got enough cash carried around in that thing to be upset,
my cards have been cancelled almost immediately,
people have been generously providing me the service of
post-traumatic therapy (group-cursing those crooks!),
helping me sort out the cards and documents,
lending me cash when needed...

I'm grateful I have these people within my arms' reach,

Oh well.
I bet you the crooks didn't.

I really just want my wallet back though, even if it had to be empty.
Oh and maybe the photographs.



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