Friday, 1 February 2008

Accidents Happen

Accidents happen when you least expect them.

I guess that's why they're called that...but UGH one of the most humiliating things in my life happened today and they always always happen at the worst possible moments. Just why why why me and my white pants. And why did it happen when he was walking over. Why did I think I was able to get through the day safely in white bottoms.

That's enough information given already, really.

Anyhow, on the bright side, thank god I was able to take the stain off to a stage where it was highly unnoticable unless you'd like to peer directly at my butt. And then I moved outta freaking from that and went to sing my heart out at the Karaoke, and used up my remaining energy to go arcading.

The Initial D Arcade Stage 4 is my definite new favourite and I'm desperate desperate desperate for its data storage card ><>

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