Thursday, 31 January 2008

Come, let me sing into your ear;
Those dancing days are gone,
All that silk and satin gear;
Crouch upon a stone,
Wrapping that foul body up
In as foul a rag:
I carry the sun in a golden cup.
The moon in a silver bag.

For some unknown reason, I'm finding the lyrics to the song 'Those Dancing Days Are Gone' by Carla Bruni (which was originally a poem by Yeats titled the same name) highly attractive. Perhaps it was the way she sung it, the laid back style, the whisper-y voice in combination with the distinctive accents. Its been stuck in my head for the past week.

Go have a listen if you have time.
Another recommendation are the music videos by Kings of Convenience.
I love that duo.

have a nice day,
(yes, while I have to face up with my math quiz at the very start of the morning, all before the holidays begin)

- Bee <3

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