Sunday 6 September 2009

9 days. And a life's worth of childishness.

"Tombent les nuits a la lueurs de bougies qui fondent
Et que la lumiere soit
Passent les heures que s'ecoulent a jamais les secondes
Et que la lumiere soit..."

Beautiful lyrics.
I would've never come across Keren Ann's wonderful music had it not been...
yet another conflict with my dad,
on a topic tres juvenile.
Excuse my lack of accents by the way - can't be bothered to learn how to type them.
Who knew missed phone calls could result in a ... meeting with my father, ruined.
I hope he realises that this is one of the last times he'll see me before I leave.
This is just so perfect.
He was the reason I want to be away from home to start with,
and the feeling just got stronger.

There's quite a list of people I'm going to miss though.


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