Monday 4 February 2008

Helloo Holidays, unfortunately, not yet a tata to work...

Havent caught a film in a long while, since August Rush was shown in Hong Kong, especially when it comes to watching a movie with dad. Originally planning to watch Norah Jones's My Blueberry Nights or Keira in Atonement, turned out both of them moved off from the screens already. Yep, they've waited for me long enough. Dangg. So I ended up watching The Kite Runner and it didn't turn out half disappointing. Its another one of those movies that remind us of how lucky we are to not have grown up within the boundaries and durations of wars as well as the loyalty in a friendship...(no worries, I'm not gonna give away anymore of the plot), the rest is left for you to find out :)
In the film, I think I've been quite attracted to the movie soundtracks. I've never been too much of a fan of Arabic music to be honest, but the instrumentation and the choices of tracks are very good. Go give it a listen on the movie's official site...

And then I had dinner with the family...

which somehow leads me to my distorted sleeping hours again...I need to get a grip back onto my sleeping schedule and start working through the holidays ><

恭喜发财, 新年快乐!

(gong hei fat choi , sun leen fai lok! )
have a happy CNY everyone :]
-<3 Bee

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